
Oatmeal Cookie Chunk Ice Cream

Some of my favorite memories as an adult include those first dates with my now husband. His family is from the Los Angeles area and a close family friend of mine used to live in Long Beach. My husband and I met in college, but we would try to spend Holidays or vacations, somehow together, in Southern California.

A distinct memory of mine includes staying in my Aunt's condo together and walking down to Cold stone Creamery. Once a year, maybe more because I don't have one close enough to pay attention, they release their Oatmeal Cookie Batter ice cream. Oh my word, it is so good! I used to get mine swirled with fudge and almonds. Delicious.

All I remember is sitting in bed, laughing, and watching some old movie while eating it. So, when I ran across the recipe for an Oatmeal Cookie Chunk ice cream at Dinner or Dessert, I knew I had to whip up a batch. Ya know, for nostalgia and happy bellies.

You Will Need:
(makes 1 quart)
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 cup whole milk
2 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
7-8 oatmeal cookies, chopped
1/2 cup chopped dark chocolate chunks

In a medium sauce pan, heat the whipping cream and milk over medium heat just until small bubbles form around the edges.
In a large heat proof bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar until light in color. When bubbles form around the milk mixture, remove it from the heat and take a cup of the mixture and slowly, while whisking, add it to the egg/sugar mixture to temper. Add the eggs, sugar, and 1 cup of creamy milk back to the sauce pan with the remaining creamy milk and return to heat over medium. Stir the mixture continuously until thickened and it coats the back of a spoon, around 15 minutes.
Remove pan from heat and using a fine mesh sieve to catch any scrambled eggs, pour back into your heat proof bowl. Cover with plastic wrap, touching the mixture so a film doesn't form, and place in your fridge until cooled completely, around 2-3 hours.
Remove the mixture from your fridge and pour into your ice cream machine and churn according to manufacturers instructions. When the ice cream has finished churning stir in the chopped oatmeal cookies and chocolate chunks. Place ice cream into an airtight container and freeze until firm, around 3-4 hours to overnight.
Scoop and serve!

This cinnamon ice cream adds the perfect spice to compliment the oatmeal cookies. The chocolate is just an added touch of perfection. Enjoy!
