
Candy Corn Milkshakes

Halloween is a little over a week away... Can you believe it?! Hopefully your boys and ghouls have their costumes picked out and the candy you bought for trick or treaters hasn't disappeared (if you know what I'm sayin'...).

But in case it has, whip up some of these cool milkshakes to even out your sugar high. I used less sugar ice cream and sherbet, so that counts, right?

You will need:
Slow Churned Vanilla Ice Cream
Peach sherbet
yellow and red food coloring
whipped cream
Halloween sprinkles

I honestly didn't measure for this recipe, but I placed about 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream, 4-5 drops of yellow food coloring, and 1/2-3/4 (depending how thick you like it) of milk into a blender. Mix until smooth but thick (you want it pretty thick to hold up to the layers) and pour into the bottom of your glass.

Place 3-4 scoops of peach sherbet, 1/2-3/4 cup of milk and 2-5 drops each of yellow and red food coloring and blend to make a perfectly orange milkshake. Gently pour over your yellow layer.

Rinse out your blender.

Lastly, place 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream and 1/2 cup of milk into the blender and blend until thick and creamy.

Gently pour over the top of your orange layer, top with a generous amount of whipped cream and Halloween sprinkles. Enjoy with your favorite straw!

I love the look of this milkshake, even when it melts and slowly melds together. My original thought was to use orange sherbet so it would taste like a 50/50 bar but my grocery store was sold out. The peach is JUST as delicious!

Looking for another GREAT milkshake recipe? Please check out my friend Amy over at Crafts, Cakes, and Cats! She made an Almond Joy Milkshake that sounds to. die. for.!!