
Dark and Stormy Cocktail

Hi everyone! Veronica is off enjoying some of this fantastic Southern California weather with her family and invited me here to guest post while is she is away! I can't wait to share this quick and simple drink with you! For me, I have never been big on almost any adult beverage, no reason in particular just not really my thing unless its super fruity and girl (little umbrellas and cherries need apply).

However, I have made a promise to my husband recently to be more open to trying things when he randomly decides to make something or wants some wine. So I am doing all of this for him! This simple drink is actually quite good. It’s a whole 2 ingredients, 3 if you count the lime. You will need rum and ginger beer, yep that's it!  There is a trick though... you need a strong ginger beer and a very specific rum. 

You Will Need:
2 Ounces Rum
1 ginger beer
1 lime

We Recommend: 
For the Beer- 
Cock and Bull ginger beer (This is an adult post after all!)
For the Rum-

What we found funny was the guy at the liqueur store totally knew what we were making based on the ingredients alone! Very popular items bought together, apparently. 

What to do:

Fill a tall glass with ice
Pour 2 ounces of the Rum
Fill the rest of the glass with ginger beer and garnish with a lime. My husband made sure to stir the drink so it was well mixed. This is a very refreshing drink for your upcoming summer BBQ and just think of the fun you will have telling everyone the name of the ginger beer! Enjoy... And drink responsibly!

Amy blogs over at Crafts, Cakes and Cats and  absolutely loves to be creative working with kids, in the kitchen, or with something crafty. She claims working with kids for so long has brought it out in her. Her passions include making cards and scrap-booking and whatever else tickles her fancy in the moment. She is the mother of a beautiful one year old girl and loves focusing on time spent with her and blogging it along the way!
