
Tie Dye Heart Crayon Valentine

Valentines Day is this Friday and whether you love the Holiday or absolutely despise it, if you have kids, you don't really have a choice.
With my oldest son officially in preschool this year and both in daycare, I was looking for a fun yet cost effective Valentine for around 30 kids.
Of course, the easy way would be to purchase a pack of Spider man Valentine's and call it good... But that isn't blog worthy. And to be honest... I can see plenty of future Valentine's Days being filled with last minute store bought cards, because ya know... Wine and stuff.

My only tip when purchasing the heart silicon pan is to go with smaller hearts with more slots per pan... My 6 tin pan was a fantastic size but a little time consuming, this is the one I purchased.

Now, lets get to makin' some Valentines shall we? Including the mold (which can also be used for cupcakes) these cost me less than $10 for 30... Score!
Also, I created the paper for the valentines on Publisher and plan to cut out the actual ones with decorative scissors.
Another cute phrase might be "For 'crayon' out loud, be my Valentine"! Punny, right?

You will need:
(for 30 heart crayons)
Heart shaped mold
3 boxes (48 count crayons)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Start by peeling off the paper that is surrounding the crayons and break up crayons into various sizes. I left out the dark browns and black crayons as they tended to make muddy colors.
Place pieces of crayons into the molds, filling gaps as you go (white on the bottom makes for an amazing swirl!) Since this mold is deep to accommodate cupcakes, I only filled it half way.

Place silicon mold on a large baking sheet to make for easier transfer and bake the crayons in preheated oven for 13 minutes or until completely melted (the smell won't be pretty).
Remove from oven and allow to cool on counter for 10-15 minutes.
Gently peel back the silicon mold to remove the crayons and VOILA... Pretty, swirled, tie dyed crayons!

I just love these crayons! Each one is different, like a Valentines Day snow flake. Attach to your paper or create a label and there ya have it, super cute, super fun Valentine's!
Happy Heart Day, everyone!